It’s Candy Cane Lane time again

Bring your donations and enjoy the lights on Candy Cane Lane.

The sail boat on Candy Cane Lane.

The sail boat on Candy Cane Lane.

The folks who live in a certain Rutland neighbourhood are already excited about Christmas.

Mary Court, Collison and Gramiak road residents are putting the finishing touches on their Christmas light display to get ready for the show.

Candy Cane LaneTheir streets are the show and everyone is invited to enjoy the scene.

Non-perishable foods, children’s toys or clothing, men’s and women’s toiletries — any or all of these are the price of admission.

John & DamjanDamjan Madjar lives on Gramiak. With a few neighbours five years ago, he went door to door letting others know about his plan. He wanted to light up his street in Christmas merriment and invited one and all to enjoy the spirit of the season every night when the sun goes down.

“It’s grown organically,” Madjar said Wednesday, the day before the first night of lights. “Every year more and more houses put up more and more lights.”

The lights go on Thursday, Dec. 1 at sunset and will stay lit until 10 p.m. every night throughout all of December.

People are invited to take the tour, but what he really wants is to collect donations every night the lights are on to pass to people not as fortunate as himself.

Dec. 17 will be a special night. That’s when all the neighbours, and everyone else who shows up with a donation, have their Candy Cane Lane block party. There will be entertainment by local musicians, goodies from the Spall and Hwy. 97 Tim Hortons and Shaw Cable teddy bears for the kids.

Madjar said it’s best to walk the streets to appreciate every detail as well as keep the neighbourhood safe.


Through the month he collects the donations as they come in, fills up his truck, and delivers them to the Women’s Shelter, Okanagan Boys and Girls Club and Freedom’s Door. “We stock up their cupboards for the year,” he said.

This is his favourite part. “It’s awesome. We stuff the truck with multiple loads, give them a call and drop it all off.

“I wish that everyone could experience the feeling. It’s about giving, not receiving.”

Keep in touch with Candy Cane Lane through Facebook at @cclkelowna.


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