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It’s time to prune berry bushes to help wildlife in Okanagan

Pruning will help keep wildlife away and be easier to pick when the berries are ripe

  • Feb. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.

It’s time to start getting your pruning shears out.

WildSafe BC says it’s the perfect time to begin trimming back berry bushes, it will be easier for people to pick once the berries becomes ripe and will keep wildlife at bay.

“Consider pruning fruit trees back as they are a strong attractant for all wildlife, including bears, raccoon’s, and other species,” said Vanessa Isnardy, provincial coordinator for WildSafe BC.

RELATED: Three cougar sightings in Central Okanagan

The bears won’t be out of hibernation anytime soon though, the cubs were born in January but they won’t be easily spotted until April estimates Isnardy.

Coyotes are also beginning to mate, they are coming out from their dens and looking for a mate which means keep your dogs on a leash and cats safe.

RELATED: B.C. firefighters rescue bear cub stuck up a tree

“Dogs off leash could encounter a coytoe, use extra caution and don’t come into conflict with them,” said Isnardy.

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