Former Penticton mayor, Jake Kimberley, seen here speaking at a rally protesting the Skaha Lake Park lease, is running for city councillor this fall. Steve Kidd/Western News

Former Penticton mayor, Jake Kimberley, seen here speaking at a rally protesting the Skaha Lake Park lease, is running for city councillor this fall. Steve Kidd/Western News

Jake Kimberley running for councillor

Former Penticton mayor returning to politics, again

Former Penticton mayor Jake Kimberley is entering the political fray once again, though this time he’s looking to take a seat as city councillor.

“I’ve never, in all my times of running for council, have I ever had so much support for running for mayor,” said Kimberley. “People were really wanting me to run for mayor. So, I thought I would comprise and run for council.”

Kimberley’s letters questioning council decisions have appeared often on the Western News’ letters page, and Kimberley was a vocal opponent of the city’s decision to lease a portion of Skaha Lake Park to a private water slide developer.

Related: Save Skaha Park Society ready to battle City of Penticton

“I have decided it’s not good enough to write critical letters for the next four years, I am therefore putting my name on the ballot for city council to represent Penticton residents as an experienced and constructive member of the 2019 council, wrote Kimberley in his announcement.

Related: Letter: Voters left in the cold

“The present city council has struggled to respond to residents’ concerns on of the most contentious issues they’ve have created.”

Along with the Skaha Lake Park controversy, he includes the Economic Investment Zones tax relief program along with the parking and traffic concerns created by the relocation of the casino onto the SOEC site

Kimberly said running for mayor would be a large challenge, and it’s equally essential, he explained, to be on council and direct the decisions of council and give his input to it that way.

“I just want to put my experience from past years of service to the city back into council,” said Kimberley.

Kimberley, who has lived in Penticton since 1966, was first elected to city council in 1986, and then as mayor in 1990, 1993 and 2005.

Steve Kidd

Senior reporter, Penticton Western News

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