The small patch of grass at the intersection of Pendray and Quebec Streets could soon house a bushel of berries (Google Maps)

The small patch of grass at the intersection of Pendray and Quebec Streets could soon house a bushel of berries (Google Maps)

James Bay street corner could house public berry patch

The James Bay Neighborhood Association is hoping to offer berries locals

  • Apr. 25, 2019 12:00 a.m.

People strolling through James Bay may soon have the option of picking a few free snacks on the way.

The James Bay Neighborhood Association (JBNA) is advocating for the installation of a public berry patch at a couple locations throughout the neighborhood.

“We’ve identified two pieces land that are public land but are not parks. These could maybe be usable for food production,” said Marg Gardiner, spokesperson for the JBNA. “The idea would be the berry patches would be maintained, once they’re established, by volunteers but that anyone could come by and pick them.”

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The first spot the association wants to test out is at the corner of Pendray and Quebec Streets, near the base of the Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites.

If all works well with that one, a similar small patch at Montreal and Kingston Streets could also be installed.

The beds would need to be raised to discourage animals from accessing the berries, and be managed by volunteers.

So far, Gardiner said, the exact kinds of berries that would be used have not been decided, but aggressive kinds like blackberries and raspberries won’t be considered.

The JBNA is making a presentation to the City of Victoria on Thursday to seek permission to plant on public land, and to see if any microgrants are available for the project.

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