Dementia doesn’t just affect the person living with a diagnosis; it affects caregivers, family, friends and their community. The Alzheimer's Society of B.C. is hosting a webinar to help caregivers share their stories. (Submitted)

Jan 27 webinar to raise voices for those with dementia living in care homes

Donations to Alzheimer Society of B.C. will be matched until Dec. 31

  • Dec. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

In an increasingly uncertain world, people in Penticton living with dementia and their caregivers are facing more social isolation than ever before.

To help them, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is gearing up for its 2021 Alzheimer’s Awareness Month campaign, held annually in January.

Throughout the month, residents can learn more about how they can take individual action to help change the future for British Columbians who are living with dementia and hear the stories of people affected by the disease.

As part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, residents will be invited to “Raise your voice: Dementia, long-term care and COVID-19” on Jan. 27, a special webinar sponsored by Clark Wilson LLP.

It features a panel discussion on the challenge of balancing health and safety concerns with ensuring that families can support people living with dementia in long-term care to stay active and engaged.

In the meantime, people affected by dementia still need your help. At a time when kindness is needed more than ever, gifts made to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. will go twice as far to fund critical programs and services for people around the province who are affected by dementia. Thanks to a group of generous donors, every donation made up to Dec. 31 will be matched up to $85,000.

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. connects people living with dementia, their caregivers and family members to support and education at any point in the disease through First Link® dementia support.

Residents can connect to support by asking their health-care provider for a referral or by calling the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033. To learn more about the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month or to make a donation this December, visit

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