Johnny Depp is dating one of his defamation trial lawyers

Reports say Depp is dating an attorney who represented him in the U.K. trial that he didn’t win. Her name is Joelle Rich. Rich is currently in the process of getting divorced. While she did not represent Depp in the Virginia trial against Amber Heard, she was present in the courtroom. Many people speculated Depp was dating his other attorney, Camille Vasquez, which he was apparently not. Vasquez also went as far as to call that assumption “sexist.”

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Joelle Rich, who is a lawyer in the U.K., is currently in the process of getting divorced. She shares two kids with her estranged husband. According to her bio, she “works to defend [clients’] reputations against false and defamatory allegations in print, online and on social media.” She also claims to have “particular expertise in protecting individuals’ privacy from unwarranted intrusion and media attention.”

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