Join the first B.C. Policing Plan online public dialogue

On May 23, visit the B.C. Policing Plan site to participate in an online discussion with other British Columbians

  • May. 28, 2012 2:00 p.m.

On May 23, visit the B.C. Policing Plan site to participate  in an online discussion with other British Columbians about how to  enhance public safety in our communities.

This is the first in a series of online dialogue sessions the Province  is hosting on the blog as part of creating B.C.’s Policing Plan, a 10- year strategic plan for policing that will set out goals, targets and  performance measures.

To talk live with other British Columbians about what makes you feel  safe or unsafe in your community, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday,  May 23, you are invited to visit:

Although the crime rate in B.C. is at a 30-year low, it does not  determine whether or not British Columbians feel safe in their  communities. Whether it is road safety on the highway you take to work,  an incident of gang violence in your community or a recent drug bust  nearby, everyday experiences affect whether or not British Columbians  and visitors to our province feel safe.

The discussion will remain posted on the blog, so British Columbians  who could not participate in it can read it. Additional comments and  ideas can also be submitted at any time to:

Ministry of Justice




Keremeos Review