Jubilee medal for Joe

'I admire your leadership and integrity' — Parksvile Qualicum MLA Ron Cantelon

Directors with the Regional District of Nanaimo were uncharacteristically emotional Tuesday when Ron Cantelon took to the podium.

Cantelon, a former RDN director and current MLA, was on hand to present chairman Joe Stanhope with a Queen’s Jubilee medal.

As directors and staff members gave a standing ovation, Cantelon presented Stanhope with two plaques, one to accompany the medal and one from Premier Christy Clark, congratulating him for the honour.

“I admire your leadership and integrity you have always carried in your position,” Cantelon said. He then pinned the medal to a clearly emotional Stanhope’s chest.

“This is really a pleasure,” Stanhope said. “I don’t take this lightly. It’s a little overwhelming. I am really honoured.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News