Judge orders murder case to proceed to trial

Case against the two young offenders facing first-degree murder charges in the 2008 killing of Tyler Myers will move ahead.

Tyler Myers was shot to death on a wooded trail in 2008. A man and a woman, who were under the age of 18 at the time, are facing first degree murder charges.

Tyler Myers was shot to death on a wooded trail in 2008. A man and a woman, who were under the age of 18 at the time, are facing first degree murder charges.

A judge has ruled that the two people charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of 22-year-old Tyler Myers will proceed to trial.

In November 2008, Myers was found dead on a wooded trail adjacent to Bastion Elementary.

Four years later, a man and woman were arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

Because the pair was under 18 years old at the time of the killing, their names can’t be published.

Police reports indicated the killing was not random and that Myers knew his accused killers.

After the three-day hearing, the details of which can not be printed under a routine publication ban, Justice Wilfred Klinger ruled there was enough evidence for the first-degree murder trial to proceed.

A preliminary hearing is held to determine if there is enough evidence to have the case proceed to a full trial.

Both accused are being tried together, however each has separate legal counsel.

The case has now been set over until Dec. 18, at which time a trial date will be determined.

“We have not discussed yet how long a trial would be, but we are looking at a fairly lengthy procedure,” says Crown Counsel Bill Hilderman.

A third suspect has also been charged in connection with the case.

Justin James Doussept, 22, is accused of obstructing justice and being an accessory after the fact to murder.

His case is being dealt with separately from the other two. His next appearance is set for Nov. 19.

Salmon Arm Observer