Douglas Bowers outside Surrey Provincial Court.

Douglas Bowers outside Surrey Provincial Court.

Judge wants lawyer set

South Surrey man ordered to make weekly court appearances.

The judge presiding over the sentencing hearing of a South Surrey man who pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography reminded Douglas Wayne Bowers last week that his patience for continued delays in the proceedings is wearing thin.

“It’s of great concern to me that this issue be resolved as soon as possible,” Judge Michael Hicks told Bowers during a brief appearance in Surrey Provincial Court Oct. 30.

“I’m going to require you to come back to court each week until that’s accomplished.”

Bowers was ordered to appear Tuesday after the self-employed carpenter told Hicks the week prior that he expected to have met with and secured a new lawyer – his third since charges were laid in September 2009 – through Legal Aid by then.

Last week, Bowers told Hicks that the lawyer in question has “agreed to take the case” but is waiting word regarding a request for additional funding. His own efforts to push Legal Aid for a speedy answer are being chastised by agency representatives, he added.

Prosecutor Keith Kinash told Hicks that the lawyer – identified as Matthew Anderson – told him he is “not prepared to take instructions from Mr. Bowers” at this time, but is expecting to know more in two weeks.

In ordering Bowers to return to court today (Tuesday), Hicks impressed the need for Bowers to be assertive regarding Legal Aid.

“You’re entitled to be annoying in order to get this resolved,” he said.

Peace Arch News