Justice costs concern village

The North Okanagan Restorative Justice Society has asked Lumby for $1,500 for 2013

Lumby officials are concerned about the cost of an initiative that keeps offenders out of the courts.

The North Okanagan Restorative Justice Society has asked the village for $1,500 for 2013, but council has deferred the matter so it can get more information.

“The budget seems to go up without any reason,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

“We want them to justify their funding model.”

Through restorative justice, people who have committed an offence meet with the victim to talk about what happened and what can be done to correct the situation.

Secondary suite bylaw proceeds

Lumby is another step close to legalizing secondary suites.

Council has given second reading to a bylaw which would permit suites within single-family dwellings in rural and residential zones.

“It’s huge for growth for youth and seniors,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

Acton says rental income from suites may allow young families to purchase homes while Lumby seniors who need some care may be able to stay with relatives.

The bylaw would also permit laying hens on any lot that contains a single-family dwelling or manufactured home and is zoned rural or residential (except the residential manufactured home park zone).

The proposed bylaw will be the focus of a public hearing Dec. 10.


Vernon Morning Star