The feasibility study should be complete by Feb. 2021. Photo: Connor Trembley

The feasibility study should be complete by Feb. 2021. Photo: Connor Trembley

Kamloops design firm to study Nakusp campground expansion

Study will determine if its feasible to add campground spots, create new washroom/municipal building

  • Nov. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Nakusp village council has awarded a contract of up to $16,500 to Kamloops-based L.A. West to conduct a feasibility study to look at expanding the local campground.

The village sent out a request for a proposal to complete the study back in September and received nine bids before it closed on Oct. 2.

While the company didn’t provide the lowest bid for the project, it offered the most extensive services as part of its application.

L.A. West is a landscape architectural design firm.

Village deputy chief administrative officer Mark Tennant said the feasibility study will look into a variety of things.

” L.A. West staff will investigate how much of an expansion makes sense, putting in more powered sites and creating a new entrance that’s more accessible to larger travel trailers,” said Tennant.

“The study won’t get down to the nitty-gritty around exactly how many more sites will be installed, but rather give us an overall sense of what should occur during the expansion.”

Village chief administrative officer Cheryl Martens said the study will also investigate expanding the campground towards the beach. A new municipal building for visitors to register at when they arrive at the campground and a shower/washroom building are some of the amenities that could be built if the project gets underway.

The estimated cost of the expansion project would be at least $300,000. Electrical work alone would cost around $100,000.

Village staff want to get the feasibility done sooner rather than later in the event they want to apply for a grant to cover potions of the project cost.

The study is anticipated to take four months and be completed in Feb. 2021.

The village operates the 3.3-hectare campground downtown and there are currently 44 campground spots on site.

READ MORE: Village of Nakusp looks to expand municipal campground

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