Kelowna cancer fundraiser walk

The Walk To Remember will take place Saturday, 4 p.m., at Knox Mountain Park in support of skin cancer awareness

Klara Chrumova passed away at the young age of 23.

She was born in Prague, Czech Republic, and immigrated to Canada with her sister and mother in 1989.

Klara was so full of life. A person was very fortunate to have the blessing to have met her in her brief life. She loved children, especially her two nieces. She fondly dreamed of her perfect wedding and starting her own family. She’s also very passionate about skiing, camping, and hiking. She had a loving and outgoing personality and was a joy to be around. Klara was loved by everyone she met.

In 2006 Klara discovered a strange looking mole on her arm. Her family doctor removed it and sent it for a biopsy.

The results come back negative for cancer. Few months later, the mole reappeared on the same spot. It was again removed and sent to a lab. Again, came back negative. About six months after that, Klara discovered a small lump between her left breast and armpit. The doctor was certain it was just a fatty cyst so it took about four months to get it in for biopsy.

June 2, 2008, two days after the biopsy, Klara’s world was shattered. She was diagnosed with melanoma. At that point, it was unsure what stage the cancer was at so more tests were done.

The final diagnosis was devastating – Stage 4 Malignant Melanoma. Klara travelled to Edmonton, Alberta, to undergo various treatments, starting with the Interlueken 2, and chemotherapy with no success. She also tried alternative treatments, as well Hoxsey. On April 29, 2009, after being hospitalized with dizzy spells, Klara received the news that the melanoma has spread into her brain.

Although she kept receiving bad news Klara had never given up hope even in her last few days.  She was so kind hearted that even then, she worried more about how others felt and how she could help them rather than worry about herself. Klara lost her battle with cancer on Sept. 14, 2009.

In memory of Klara Chrumova and others who have faced or are currently dealing with melanoma skin cancer, a fundraiser for skin cancer awareness called Walk to Remember will be held Saturday, Sept. 19, 4 p.m., at Knox Mountain Park in Kelowna.

The walk was inspired by Chrumova, and will be led by her mother, Lida. It was Klara’s idea to hold the annual walk to promote dialogue about sun safety and skin cancer prevention.

Further information on the walk  can be found at

Kelowna Capital News