Kelowna distributes grants to groups helping people in need

The city reveals which social assistance groups get funds for their 2014 programs.

The City of Kelowna will hand out $80,000 in grants to 10 local social development agencies this year to help them pay for programs, and another $22,000 to two groups for programs to help fight the sexual exploitation of youth in our city.

Based on the recommendations of the Central Okanagan Foundation, which vets the annual applications for both grants, city council approved the 2014 dispersion Monday.

This year there were 14 requests for community social development grants totalling $143,525. Both applicants that sought grants to address the sexual exploitation of youth received grants.

The community social development grants will go:

• Canadian Red Cross—$10,000 for its HELP (Health Equipment Loan Program)

• Church Serve Canada, operating as Hands In Service—$8,250 to expand its Living Salads program to bring community gardening to mobility and health-challenged individuals

• Food For Thought Kelowna Breakfast Society—$7,825 to increase the number of schools where the program exists to 21 from 13

• Inn From The Cold—$10,000 to train volunteers

• Kelowna Community Food Bank—$3,000 to buy an industrial sized freezer

• Kelowna Family Services Centre—$5,000 for a new photocopier

• Okanagan Fruit Tree Project—$10,000 to enhance an existing prgramthat works with non-profit-group and for the Cool Arts program

• Project Literacy Kelowna Society—$10,000 for one-on-one adult tutoring and online resources

Grants to address the sexual exploitation of youth wi g to to:

• Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society—$10,000 for its CEASE (Community Education And Sexual Exploitation program

• New Opportunities For Women—$12,000 for a continuous intake program with the goal of abstention from drugs and alcohol.


Kelowna Capital News