A screenshot from the Kelowna Fire Department’s new Fire Safety House educational video. (Contributed)

Kelowna Fire Department’s Fire Safety House goes virtual

To adjust to the pandemic, KFD is offering virtual fire safety videos, virtual tours of fire hall

  • May. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Kelowna is now offering tours of the Kelowna Fire Department’s (KFD) Fire Safety House.

Pre-COVID-19, each year, the KFD would tour Kelowna Schools with its portable Fire Safety House, educating students about fire safety. And now, that same educational tool will be available in a virtual form.

Typically, every school in Kelowna would be visited by the fire department within the academic year. Students from kindergarten to Grade 3 are taught the importance of evacuating the home when they hear the smoke alarm, staying low under smoke, how to check doors for heat prior to opening them and proceeding to their designated family meeting spot outside.

Students will also have the opportunity to tour Kelowna Fire Hall 1 virtually via another video created by the fire department. Following the virtual tours, the fire department will host virtual assemblies for classes, offering a Q&A session with fire prevention officers and firefighters.

“Our Fire Safety House trailer has been on the road for years. We are regularly stopped by parents who share their memories of going through the house when they were young,” said Paul Johnson, Fire Prevention Officer at KFD. “This is a 44-year-old education tradition for the residents of Kelowna and we aren’t going to let COVID-19 interrupt this important and potentially life-saving educational tool.”

Learn more about fire safety here.

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Kelowna Capital News