Lucy Miller gets ready to take part in the Kids Ride during the Saanich Cycling Festival Wolf Depner/News Staff

Lucy Miller gets ready to take part in the Kids Ride during the Saanich Cycling Festival Wolf Depner/News Staff

Kelowna kids safety organization needs your help

The Kelowna and District Safety Council is in need of some funds

The Kelowna and District Safety Council is in need of some funds to continue its efforts to keep kids safe.

As part of its recently-announced Campaign for Children’s Safety, a three-year, $300,000 fundraising initiative designed to secure funding for long-overdue improvements to its much-loved children’s Safety Village, and to support ongoing and new children’s safety programs, it’s issuing an immediate grassroots appeal as part of the campaign, with the goal of raising $7,500 before Oct. 15.

“For nearly 40 years, the Kelowna & District Safety Council has been helping to provide thousands of children the essential skills needed to stay safe – as pedestrians, riding their bicycles, and in their homes,” said John Grimes, KDSC’s Executive Director, in a press release.


“Like most charities, we have a small budget, and depend on grants and the generosity of individuals. This year, especially, we need your help. Your gift, in any amount that your can afford, will help ensure that we can provide our safety programs to children now and in the future.”

A Go Fund Me page has been established for this grassroots appeal.

For more information about other ways that you can support children’s safety, call 250-765-3163, visit KDSC online at, or email

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