Kelowna-Lake Country MP Tracy Gray

Kelowna-Lake Country MP votes against ban on conversion therapy over wording of legislation

Tracy Gray is one of 63 MP across Canada to vote against Bill C-6

  • Jun. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Kelowna-Lake Country MP Tracy Gray said she has been a long-time LGBTQ2+ ally even after voting against banning conversion therapy in Canada.

The Conservative MP is defending her decision, saying she believes conversion therapy is wrong and should be banned in Canada. However, she said she voted against Bill C-6 as it needed improved wording.

“Many witnesses felt Bill C-6 needed improvements to its wording, including the definition and rights of parents and advisors to have conversations,” she said in a statement.

Bill C-6 would amend the Criminal Code to prohibit conversion therapy, a set of treatment or services designed to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The goal of conversion therapy is to “reduce non-heterosexual sexual attraction or sexual behaviour”, according to the Department of Justice.

Gray and other Conservatives are now saying that the wording of Bill C-6 makes it appear as if having a conversation between parents and their children about sexuality is illegal.

“I always take a thoughtful and pragmatic approach to decisions and simply without this legislation being better, I did not vote to send it to the next stage in the parliamentary process.”

In all, Gray is one of 63 MPs to have voted against the bill, which has now moved on to the Senate for ratification. Currently, the bill is in its second reading in the Senate.

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