Kelowna man allegedly fails to abide by court’s orders

A Kelowna man with a dubious driving history took the adage "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" a bit too much to heart.

  • Mar. 19, 2014 6:00 a.m.

A Kelowna man with a dubious driving history took the adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” a bit too much to heart.

The 56-year-old pleaded guilty to prohibited driving Wednesday morning, and was sentenced to a one-year driving prohibition.

Upon getting the sentence, he allegedly left the courthouse, hopped in his car and drove away, much to the chagrin to police who pulled him over.

“The man’s vehicle had been seen in the courthouse parking lot earlier that day and a member of the RCMP Integrated Road Safety Unit watched as the man got into his Ford pickup and proceeded to drive away despite his sentencing just minutes before,” said Const. Kris Clark.

“The officer conducted a traffic stop on the man less than a block away on Water Street at Doyle Avenue where it was also determined that his vehicle was uninsured.”

Clark said traffic safety is a priority in the community and one which the Kelowna Regional RCMP takes very seriously.

The RCMP Integrated Road Safety Unit works closely with the Central Okanagan Traffic Services specifically targeting:

•    Aggressive driving behaviours (including distracted driving which is quickly becoming one of the main factors in injury crashes);

•    Impaired driving;

•    Seatbelt wear compliance; and

•    Commercial vehicle safety.

The man’s vehicle was impounded and he was fined $598 for No Insurance under the Motor Vehicle Act.

The man faces a potential charge of Driving While Prohibited and was released on an Appearance Notice for Court on May 29, 2014.

Kelowna Capital News