Kelowna Law Courts. (Michael Rodriguez - Capital News)

Kelowna Law Courts. (Michael Rodriguez - Capital News)

Kelowna man pleaded guilty for hiding camera in Okanagan winery bathroom

Former Summerhill employee Ian Leighton will return to provincial court May 21

  • Mar. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

After being caught and charged for placing hidden cameras in a Summerhill Winery bathroom, Kelowna resident Ian Leighton pleaded guilty to three charges in Kelowna Provincial Court on March 12.

Leighton originally faced 13 charges of voyeurism, one charge of obstruction of justice, three charges for making child pornography and one charge of possession of child pornography.

Leighton, 43, will now face sentencing for three charges, including two counts of secretly observing/recording nudity in a private place and one count of attempting to prevent, defeat or obstruct justice.

READ MORE: Kelowna man facing 18 charges after hidden camera found in washroom

The case has been adjourned until May 21 for the preparation of a pre-sentence report. The sentencing date has not yet been set.

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