Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran was emotional Monday in paying tribute to the late Rob Mayne, a senior city manager who died suddenly late last week. —Image: Carli Berry/Capital News

Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran was emotional Monday in paying tribute to the late Rob Mayne, a senior city manager who died suddenly late last week. —Image: Carli Berry/Capital News

Kelowna mayor pays emotional tribute to late senior city manager

Colin Basran chokes up remembering city corporate and protective services director Rob Mayne Monday

Emotion overtook Kelowna’s mayor Monday as he payed tribute to a senior city manager who passed away suddenly late last week.

Colin Basran was overcome as he spoke about the late Rob Mayne, the city’s divisional director of corporate and protective services. As he publicly offered his, and city’s, condolences to Mayne’s family the emotion was clearly audible as he spoke.

“He was a really good man and we’re really going to miss our friend Rob,” said Basran, his voice breaking and tears welling in his eyes. Following his comments he had to wipe his eyes and regain his composure before moving on to lead the council meeting.

At the start of the meeting—prior to his comments—Basran lead his council, and those in attendance in the gallery, in a moment of silence in remembrance of Mayne. During the silence, as everyone in the council chamber stood, pictures of Mayne, a long-time city employee, were shown on overhead monitors.

In his remarks, the mayor described Mayne as a quiet leader who was a very valuable contributor to Kelowna during his 27 years at city hall.

The city hall veteran, who died suddenly Thursday, was an insightful leader who shone not only through his work at city hall but also by the way he treated people, both inside and outside the organization, said Basran.

Mayne’s death, said the mayor, came as a shock to everyone who knew him.

As the divisional director of corporate services, Mayne’s portfolio included responsibility for police services in Kelowna, as well as bylaw, fire and purchasing services and the Office of the City Clerk.

“We are all deeply saddened by this news,” said Basran in an news release issued by the city announcing Mayne’s passing late last week. “Rob was a wonderful human being, along with being an excellent leader in our organization for 27 years. He was a humble leader and strong supporter of a safe, inclusive community.”

Mayne started with the city in 1991 as a senior accountant. Over the next 14 years, he held several positions within the financial services department and in the real estate division.

He became the director of corporate services in 2008 and later divisional director of corporate and protective services.

Rob Mayne was 54. He is survived by his wife and his three adult sons.

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