(Robyn Setter/Contributed)

Kelowna mom frustrated about garbage in Glenmore Park

A local woman brings gloves and garbage bags to the park with her everytime she visits Calmels Park

  • May. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A Kelowna mom is frustrated with the excessive garbage and vandalism in a Glenmore park.

Every time Robyn Setter heads to Calmels Park with her family, they show up equipped with gloves and garbage bags to clean-up before she can let her three-year-old son play.

“There was even a time when there was food, what looked like possibly chocolate pudding, smeared on the slide,” Setter told the Capital News.

She decided to call the City to ask if someone could clean the alleged smeared pudding. Setter was told the employee who could pressure wash it was off on vacation and the park couldn’t be cleaned for 10 days.

Saturday, when she visited the park her frustration escalated when she saw it had been vandalised with cryptic messages. One read, “Rip little prostate exam.” The message automatically concerned her as a parent with a toddler who visits the playground.

“There’s always garbage at that park,” she said. “Yesterday there was sour patch candy on the picnic table.”

Setter is concerned other young children might see the candy and grab it.

Now, she has had to take matters into her own hands to enjoy the park that is only two blocks away from her home. Every time her family visits Calmels Park, they show up prepared to give it a good clean.

“It’s such a hard time for everybody right now. Everyone’s stuck inside. Everyone is feeling like the great outdoors is our only escape,” she said. “No one should have to deal with this.”

Setter hopes the community will be more cognizant of how they are treating the local parks going forward.

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Kelowna Capital News