UBCO student Danielle Prins organized the Defend Our Coast protest in the fall to take a stand against oil pipeline projects in the province; the next phase of the protest movement runs today as the Enbridge Northern Gateway hearings take place

UBCO student Danielle Prins organized the Defend Our Coast protest in the fall to take a stand against oil pipeline projects in the province; the next phase of the protest movement runs today as the Enbridge Northern Gateway hearings take place

Kelowna: No Enbridge Pipeline Protest expected to draw hundreds

A planned protest to take a stand against the Enbridge Northern Gateway project expected at Sandman Hotel at noon

As the Endbridge Northern Gateway oil pipeline hearings proceed in Kelowna today protests have already begun.

Roughly 100 people gathered outside the Sandman Hotel prior to, and during, the first few hours of the hearings, and over the weekend, and a major event is expected at noon today.

Rumours of a flashmob planned for 12:30 p.m. have yet to be confirmed, but it’s expected hundreds could turn up for the protest as Kelowna is the only city in the southern interior of the province included in the provincial judicial review panel’s community hearings roster.

More to follow.


Kelowna Capital News