The Bridge Youth & Family Services is located at 2604 Enterprise Way in Kelowna, B.C. (Contributed)

The Bridge Youth & Family Services is located at 2604 Enterprise Way in Kelowna, B.C. (Contributed)

Kelowna Rotary Club donates $50,000 for youth treatment program

The donation will support The Bridge's Okanagan youth Recovery House project

  • Apr. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise donated $50,000 to The Bridge Youth and Family Services to support its youth substance use treatment program.

The project is designed for youth under 19 who are experiencing addiction.

Currently, the province has less than 50 publicly funded youth treatment beds and within the Okanagan, there are no facility-based treatment options for youth under 17, according to the non-profit organization.

“British Columbia remains in a state of public health emergency due to the poisoned drug supply,” The Bridge executive director Celine Thompson said.

“There has been no recent addition to the province’s merger inventory of youth treatment beds and the Central Okanagan sadly continues to have no local resources for these highly vulnerable and at-risk children and youth.”

The Bridge will use the funds to retrofit and renovate a building, the organization already owns. After the organization raises $1 million for operational expenses, it will be able to provide six youth treatment beds.

Susan McIntyre, president of the Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise, said they are pleased to support the youth treatment program.

“Some of the funds used have come from the generosity of our sponsors and the local community who have supported our annual Interior Savings Sunrise Rotary RibFest,” she said.

“As Rotarians we are people of action, doing good in our community and around the world.”

The Bridge has received support and donations from community members, service clubs, and businesses. The organization will continue to rely on grants, donations, and fundraising efforts for its operational expenses.

For more information on The Bridge’s Okanagan Youth Recovery House project, as well as to donate, visit their website.

READ: The Bridge seeks more government investment to boost addiction recovery services

READ: Okanagan Youth Recovery House gets unanimous approval from West Kelowna council

Twila Amato

Video journalist, Black Press Okanagan

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