Scotty Berg is 12 years-old and lives in Kelowna B.C. (Contributed)

Scotty Berg is 12 years-old and lives in Kelowna B.C. (Contributed)

Kelowna singer Scotty Berg to perform the national anthem at Canucks game in March

Scotty Berg has been singing the national anthem at Kelowna Chiefs home games since 2018. (Contributed)

  • Feb. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

For most amateur anthem singers, the possibility of performing at a professional sports game is a long shot at best.

But for one Kelowna resident, that dream will be realized at the age of just 12.

Ever since Scotty Berg could walk and talk, he has been carrying a tune, singing for anyone who would listen.

He began taking formal voice lessons at Wentworth Music in Kelowna at the age of eight and has continued to progress at an impressive rate ever since.

He was first approached about performing the Canadian national anthem by Kelowna Chiefs marketing manager Alex Draper back in November 2018.

His debut performance at Rutland Arena blew the crowd away and solidified him as the Chiefs unofficial regular anthem singer.

“We get him to sing all the time and the crowd absolutely adores him,” said Draper.

“He’s just an amazing little talent.”

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Draper has seen Berg emerge as a local household name right before his eyes.

After gaining exposure from his Kelowna Chiefs game debut, Berg has been a hot commodity among local sports teams and entertainment.

He has sung for the West Kelowna Warriors, Kelowna Rockets, Kelowna Falcons and is currently a contestant on Okanagan’s Got Talent.

But the next milestone he’s about to embark on is before his biggest audience yet.

Berg will perform at the Vancouver Canucks next-generation NHL game March 15 at Rogers Arena in front of 18,000 people.

“It’s absolutely amazing because we saw him in a small venue at Rutland Arena, but right away you can tell he’s an incredible talent,” said Draper, referring to his opportunity to sing in Vancouver next month.

“When he first started singing with us he was 10 or 11 and he just stole the crowd’s heart just because of his age.

“When you hear him start to sing it’s just mind-boggling.”

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While Berg has no problem revving up the crowd at local hockey games, his talent reaches far beyond the anthem.

Last year, Berg sang Shallow by Lady Gaga at the Chiefs’ late owner Grant Sherdon’s funeral and then again at this year’s home opener.

Draper said those performances meant so much to so many, calling his performance class-act by a great young kid.

“There wasn’t a dry eye in the house,” said Draper.

“For our home opener we had 1,100 people there and he sang the same song and not a dry eye again. He’s just an amazing little guy.”

As one can imagine Scotty’s father Stephen is very proud, but while Scotty is accomplishing so much so quickly, he wants to make sure his son is performing for the love of singing and nothing else.

“He loves it, that’s the thing,” said Stephen.

“He’s gotten a lot of opportunities and we’ve sat him down and said, ‘Well listen, you don’t have to do all of these things and as long as you enjoy it that’s all that matters.’ But he loves singing every chance you can and it’s just so cool to see.”

Before Scotty performs at the Canucks game in Vancouver against the Winnipeg Jets on March 15, you will able to catch him sing the anthem at the Chiefs game at Rutland Arena on Feb. 22.

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