Students from Kelowna’s École KLO Middle School spent the year raising money for the Okanagan Rail Trail. At school’s end, the kids presented a cheque for more than $3,200, which helps the rail trail get closer to its financial campaign goal. (Photo submitted)

Students from Kelowna’s École KLO Middle School spent the year raising money for the Okanagan Rail Trail. At school’s end, the kids presented a cheque for more than $3,200, which helps the rail trail get closer to its financial campaign goal. (Photo submitted)

Kelowna students boost Okanagan Rail Trail funds

Two groups from Ecole KLO Middle School spend year raising money for rail trail

  • Jul. 4, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Students at Kelowna’s École KLO Middle School finished their year with a hard-earned contribution to help complete the Okanagan Rail Trail.

Two student groups in Grade 8 and 9 leadership classes (Community Action Team (CAT) and Where Everyone Belongs (WEB) programs) together raised $3,268.78 to help finish the fundraising campaign for the recreational trail from Kelowna to Coldstream. From bottle drives and raffles to fundraising luncheons and serving meals to KLO teachers and staff, the students worked most of the last school year to raise this significant donation.

Last month, the students proudly presented the cheque to Trail Ambassador Anna Hunt Binkley and Duane Thomson.

“What a wonderful example of civic-mindedness and legacy building from these young student leaders,” said Thomson. “This is a great way to reach towards the end of the two-year fund-raising campaign.”

RELATED: Okanagan Rail Trail close to financial goal

Although the fundraising campaign to complete construction of the rail trail is nearly at the final target, community enthusiasm remains strong.

In Lake Country, the second Sol-ful Yoga took place in June, raising nearly $750. Predator Ridge Resort in Vernon has been matching donations (up to $25,000) since June.

On July 22, the Vernon Silver Star Rotary will host the third Rotary Ride in support of the rail trail. This tour style, non-competitive event starts in Vernon and riders can choose from three different route lengths (66 km, 98 km or 126 km), and enjoy a barbecue at Kin Beach. For more information and to register, please see:

RELATED: Much to be done before Okanagan Rail Trail completion

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