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Kelowna wants you to water its trees this summer

The city is asking residents to lend a hand and water city-owned trees amid drought-like conditions

  • Jun. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Kelowna is asking residents to lend a hand and water city-owned trees this summer.

Recent dry weather poses a threat to young trees, which need at least a bucket of water per week for at least the first three years after they’re planted, according to the city.

“We’re currently experiencing an unprecedented drought and not all of our trees are irrigated,” said Andrew Hunsberger, the city’s urban forestry supervisor. “We’re asking homeowners to help us care for the young trees planted on streets and boulevards near their homes. By working together to keep these trees healthy, we can all do our part to grow and nurture our urban tree canopy in Kelowna.”

The request comes just a couple of days after the city urged residents to conserve water this summer.

“Water is a precious resource and we need to think carefully about how and when we use it,” said Hunsberger. “However, Kelowna’s tree canopy is also an incredibly important part of our city and will pay us back with shade that will reduce water use in the future.”

The city offers the following tips for those looking to help out:

  • Slowly release water at the base of the tree for at least 15 minutes one to two times per week.
  • Water slowly to soak deep into the ground and encourage a healthy root system.
  • Water during cooler times of the day as trees will soak up more water when it’s cooler.
  • Remember to water even if it rains. Kelowna does not typically get enough rain to keep our trees hydrated.

The city also asks residents not to cut or prune the trees, only water them.

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Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: michael.rodriguez@kelownacapnews.com

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