Kelowna’s new top cop addresses council for the first time

Supt. Nick Romanchuck presents quarterly city crime statistics and says overall, crime is on the decline here.

Kelowna's new top cop, RCMP Insp. Nick Romanchuck, presents his report to Kelowna city council Monday.

Kelowna's new top cop, RCMP Insp. Nick Romanchuck, presents his report to Kelowna city council Monday.

Kelowna’s new officer in charge of the city’s RCMP detachment, Supt. Nick Romanchuck, made his first presentation to city council Monday.

Presenting the quarterly policing statistics for the city, Romanchuck said overall, crime is dropping here and while he is happy to see that, he is concerned about organized gang activity in the city.

After just three weeks on the job, he said he is comfortable with current staffing levels at the detachment and the plans that are in place to add more officers in the coming years.

As for the statistics, he told council he is pleased to see both the number of reported drug offences and impaired driving offences going up because that means his officers are doing their job and being proactive in dealing with both types of offence.

Following his presentation, he told reporters that as police are more successful in dealing both types of offence, other crimes, often associated with drugs and alcohol, will be reduced.

Romanchuk said so far this year, police here have seized more than $5 million in illegal drugs and recovered $81,000 worth of stolen property.


Kelowna Capital News