Ken Robertson running for Liberals in South Okanagan-West Kootenay

The Secwepemc man is an advocate for autistic children and their parents.

  • Aug. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Ken Robertson will be the Liberal candidate in South Okanagan-West Kootenay in next month’s federal election.

Robertson is a Secwepemc man from the Neskonlith Indian Band. According to a biography he provided, he grew up in East Vancouver, moved to Toronto in his youth, and worked at the Tumivut Youth Shelter and Native Canadian Centre of Toronto.

Soon after two of his children were diagnosed with autism, he became an advocate for children with autism spectrum disorder and their parents. He ran in 2014 for the Toronto school board. He is a former board member of Autism Ontario and organized an electronic petition advocating for services for First Nations families off-reserve.

He is a volunteer with the Giiwedin Anang Council, which provides a traditional approach to guiding the families towards the best possible outcome for their children.

“I am passionate about investing in a fairer, greener economy that empowers future generations and making life better for families right here in our community,” he said.

Robertson said his continued goal is advocating for all autism parents and addressing the challenges each family faces.

He said he has a family home in Chase, but did not specifically answer a question about where he lives now.

He will join at least four other candidates on the ballot next month: incumbent New Democrat Richard Cannings, Conservative Helena Konanz, the Green Party’s Tara Howse, and Sean Taylor of the People’s Party of Canada.

RELATED: Four candidates running in South Okanagan-West Kootenay

Castlegar News