Keremeos and Princeton to square off for this year’s Fortis Earth Hour Challenge

Elks to benefit from $5,000 worth of energy upgrades should Keremeos win again this year

  • Mar. 13, 2012 6:00 a.m.


Earth Hour 2012 is on Saturday, March 31 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the Village of Keremeos is asking you to join us in turning off all non-essential lighting, appliances and electronics.  Earth Hour is a global event highlighting the importance of conserving energy and working together to tackle climate change. Last year, more than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour.

Be sure to pledge your participation online at If our community achieves more pledges per capita than the Town of Princeton, we’ll win FortisBC’s 2012 Earth Hour Challenge and a $5,000 energy upgrade will be awarded to the Elks Lodge #56. We beat Princeton last year so let’s do our best to win again this year by pledging!

Last year the Keremeos Legion got an energy upgrade valued at $5,000 thanks to the communities efforts. This year let’s help the Elks to win!

Residents of the Village of Keremeos, Cawston, rural Keremeos, Hedley and Olalla can all participate. Pledge now and make a note to unplug and turn your lights off on March 31.

There are prizes for pledging to participate, too. You could win a weekend getaway at the Manteo Resort Waterfront Hotel & Villas in Kelowna and dinner at the Wild Apple Grill.

We’re committed to conserving energy every hour, every day. Join us as we “switch off” for Earth Hour 2012. For more information visit


Remember Earth Hour is on Saturday, March 31 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.



Contributed by Christy Quaedvlieg, Admin  Assistant, Village of Keremeos



Keremeos Review