The Similkameen River as seen from the Red Bridge west of Keremeos. (Brennan Phillips - Keremeos Review)

Keremeos enters stage 2 water restrictions

The watering restrictions are in place for the foreseeable future

  • Aug. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

For the foreseeable future the Keremeos Irrigation District has implemented stage two watering restrictions.

The restrictions are in response to the ongoing drought conditions and close to record-low stream flows for the Similkameen Valley.

In addition to residential restrictions, the provincial government is asking that all irrigation district customers cut their water usage by 30 per cent.

Under the stage two rules, residential properties are only allowed to water from 7 until 10 a.m. and 7 until 10 p.m.

READ ALSO: Oliver restricts watering to one day a week

Properties with even-numbered addresses are allowed to water on even-numbered days, and odd-numbered properties on odd-numbered days.

Automatic systems on timers are allowed to run between midnight and 6 a.m. on their appropriate calendar days.

Agricultural properties are also subject to the above restrictions, however, irrigating of crops, including vegetable gardens is exempt from stage 1 to 3 restrictions.

Hand watering is still permitted at any time.

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Keremeos Review