

Keremeos fire dept. fights brush fire

Keremeos fire chief reminds residents it's dry and to take precautions with fires

The Keremeos Volunteer Fire Department chief is warning residents about how dry the ground is after the department attended a brush fire earlier this week.

On Monday, around 6:15 p.m. on Dec. 17 the department was called out to a fire near Cawston that started with the homeowner burning items he’d cleaned up around his acreage.

Related: Keremeos fire dept. attends chimney fire

About 10 firefighters fought the blaze for three hours that was being fuelled by sporadic winds. The fire travelled to a nearby large tree that caught fire.

“Special thanks to Tom for falling this monster burning tree,” fire chief Jordy Bosscha said. “If it wasn’t for him, we’d a been there for many more hours.”

Bosscha said there were no injures just minor property damage.

“This fire was another testament to how dry it is out there,” he said.

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