Keremeos RCMP looking for owners of stolen goods

Successful raid recovers months' worth of stolen goods, some of which police have no record of theft


Keremeos RCMP, along with members of the Oliver RCMP’s Regional General Investigation Section, made a raid on a residence suspected of housing a number of individuals linked to an epidemic of vehicle break and enters last week.

The police hit paydirt with the raid, arresting two persons  and issuing a warrant for another. They also acquired “a ton of stuff” connected with the vehicle thefts.

“I’ve got a jail cell filled with recovered goods,” said detachment commander Michael Gallagher. “There is a huge number of stolen items in there that do not show up in any theft reports.”

Gallagher is issuing a plea to residents who have had property stolen in the past two months or so from their vehicles to contact police and file a report, if they have not already done so.

“There has been a rash of thefts associated with this group of individuals that have been reported, but it appears there are more that haven’t been,” Gallagher said, “if we have a report identifying the property, it can be returned to the owner much more quickly and efficiently.”

Victims of theft are advised to contact Keremeos RCMP at 250-499-5511 to file a report. Gallagher said the police would post a time in the coming weeks scheduling a viewing opportunity at the detachment where  theft victims could come to view and claim thier belongings.

Sometime Sunday night on August 31, thieves broke into Zack’s Town Trader in Olalla, making off with at least $5,000 worth of collectables and unusual items.

Shop Proprietor Sue Allen said she arrived at the store Monday to find the doors broken and numerous items missing, including old bills, and coins, collectables, gaming systems, jewellery, rings and watches.

“The thieves took my keys to all the display cabinets,” Allen said, “as well as a large pair of bolt cutters which they used to open storage areas behind the store.”

Allen fears the bolt cutters will be used to access other properties in Olalla or area. The theft is the final straw for Allen, who said she plans to sell off the remaining items and close the store.


Keremeos Review