Keremeos resident makes water work

Keremeos resident makes water work

Keremeos resident Heather Paanenan sure knows how to make water work.

  • Nov. 7, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Keremeos resident Heather Paanenan sure knows how to make water work.

Paanenan was the winner of the Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen Make Water Work Challenge draw.

Paanenan moved to Keremeos about four years ago to a property that has several fruit trees and other plants.

She’s made a priority to be as effective with her water use as possible.

She’s done some xeriscaping using gravel on the property. She’s also made an effort to use planter boxes and do root feeding.

“Basically you put a spike in the ground and put water right down to the roots. You do that instead of surface watering which isn’t as effective for watering the plants because the sun evaporates the water quickly,” she said.

By signing up for the Make Water Work Challenge and pledging to conserve water, Paanenan earned several prizes including a 60-gallown free garden rain barrel, 20′ overflow assembly, diverter pro downspout, t-shirt, and several books.

Keremeos Review