Kermode Friendship Society to host annual FASD awareness day Sept 9

The event will also have the traditional pancake breakfast at George Little Park

  • Aug. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Kermode Friendship Society building on Park Ave. (File photo)

Kermode Friendship Society will host its annual Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) awareness day on September 9 at George Little Park.

Dr. Michelle Stewart who has worked extensively on FASD and the social justice system will be speaking at the seminar on Sept. 9 along with Kermode’s Circle of Life Program Coordinator Lisa Lawley. The event will also see Kermode’s traditional pancake breakfast and other activities at the park.

“The speaker panel consists of mothers who will speak about their experience, stigma and struggles they faced after their children were diagnosed,” said Lawley who will be sharing her personal story at the event too.

FASD is a developmental disability seen among children of women who use alcohol or drugs during pregnancy. Individuals impacted with FASD often have learning disabilities, inability to understand cause and effect, poor impulse control, sensory integration issues and relationship difficulties among other issues.

Terrace is an FASD testing centre for a huge geographical area in northern B.C., and as a result there is a longer waiting period for people who want to avail the assessments.

Kermode Friendship Society provides options for diagnosis of FASD by referring individuals to multiple medical professionals. The nearly two day diagnosis involves medical, psychological and speech-language assessments.

This is Kermode Friendship Society’s 2oth year of hosting FASD awareness day in Terrace.

Terrace Standard