B.C. Liberal leader Kevin Falcon signs MLA book after taking the oath of office from clerk Kate Ryan-Lloyd (left), as his wife Jessica and daughters Rose and Josephine watch, at the B.C. legislature, May 16, 2022. (Tom Fletcher/Black Press)

B.C. Liberal leader Kevin Falcon signs MLA book after taking the oath of office from clerk Kate Ryan-Lloyd (left), as his wife Jessica and daughters Rose and Josephine watch, at the B.C. legislature, May 16, 2022. (Tom Fletcher/Black Press)

Kevin Falcon promises ‘bold solutions’ to B.C.’s affordability problems

Veteran MLA returns to legislature as opposition leader

B.C. Liberal leader Kevin Falcon returned to the legislature Monday with a promise to offer “bold solutions” to B.C.’s problem of soaring costs for housing and necessities, and the struggling health care system.

“In my time in public life, I have never seen a time where there is such as large chasm between what was promised and what we’re getting,” Falcon told supporters gathered in the B.C. legislature hall of honour May 16.

Falcon took the oath of office from B.C. legislature clerk Kate Ryan-Lloyd after winning a by-election in Vancouver-Quilchena to replace former leader Andrew Wilkinson as party leader. That allowed him to take his seat in the legislature after Elections B.C. confirmed his win with nearly 60 per cent of votes cast.

In a speech to supporters on hand for the ceremony, Falcon thanked his wife Jessica and his two daughters for allowing him to return

“When I retired in 2012, Josephine here was just over two years old, and Rose was still in Mummy’s tummy,” Falcon said. “And the reason I’m returning today is really for the same reason I left. It’s for my kids’ generation.”

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