File photoThe City of White Rock has confirmed that three key staff members will be leaving their positions.

File photoThe City of White Rock has confirmed that three key staff members will be leaving their positions.

Key staff members leaving City of White Rock

No explanation for departure of engineering director, engineering manager and events co-ordinator

The City of White Rock has confirmed that three key staff members will be leaving their jobs.

The departing city employees are engineering and municipal operations director Greg St. Louis, engineering and facilities manager Bob Ambardar and special events co-ordinator Amy Baumann, it was acknowledged Friday by communications and government relations manager Farnaz Farrokhi.

“We can confirm that the three individuals will be leaving the city,” Farrokhi wrote in a brief email in response to questions from Peace Arch News.

Farrokhi did not answer questions about whether the city employees resigned, the rationale for their leaving, the date of the decisions involved and the timing of their departure.

“As you know, the city does not provide details regarding personnel matters,” she wrote.

Farrokhi also declined to specify whether the staff positions are now vacant, whether they will be advertised, or whether they will be filled by other city staff.

“The city will continue working towards council’s corporate priorities, and is taking steps to ensure a seamless transition,” she wrote.

Peace Arch News