Kids gather around to help feed the ducks at Kilby Historic Site on Easter Monday. Good weather all weekend helped succesfully kick off the Harrison Mills historic site's season, with good attendance numbers throughout Sunday and Monday. The site held an Easter Egg Hunt through the weekend, and served Easter brunches at the restaurant.

Kids gather around to help feed the ducks at Kilby Historic Site on Easter Monday. Good weather all weekend helped succesfully kick off the Harrison Mills historic site's season, with good attendance numbers throughout Sunday and Monday. The site held an Easter Egg Hunt through the weekend, and served Easter brunches at the restaurant.

Kilby now open for the season

Easter weekend kicks off 2012 season at popular historical site

  • Apr. 9, 2012 7:00 a.m.

Kids gathered around to help feed the ducks at Kilby Historic Site on Easter Monday.

Good weather all weekend helped successfully kick off the Harrison Mills historic site’s season, with good attendance numbers throughout Sunday and Monday.

The site held an Easter Egg Hunt through the weekend, and served Easter brunches at the restaurant.

Kilby staff and volunteers hold functions throughout the year, celebrating special days and turns of season with planned events. The next special event is Mothers Day on May 13, which includes a fashion show, a taste testing, and a special reading of Choosing To Smile. Following that, the annual Teddy Bear Picnic returns on May 21, which includes tea and cookies.

For more information, visit the Kilby Historic Site online or phone 604-796-9576.

Agassiz Observer