Kimberley Alpine Resort's main chairlift will be down for at least a few more days, as the required part missed its connecting flight.

Kimberley Alpine Resort’s chairlift repair delayed

Part needed for repair missed connecting flight in Amsterdam

  • Jan. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Although Kimberley Alpine Resort’s team was in place and ready to install the part needed to get their Northstar Chairlift operational again, they were informed by their logistics and shipping company that they missed their collecting flight from the Amsterdam Airport.

Originally the part was intended to arrive in Calgary Friday afternoon to be then driven to KAR by Friday night, where crews would have worked through the night to install it, then test it Saturday and ideally have it running Sunday.

The new estimated time of arrival in Calgary is Saturday afternoon, which means the earliest the lift could possibly be open is now Monday, provided they don’t run into any other problems.

“Once again we apologize for the inconvenience of this,” KAR said on social media. “We will update again tomorrow to confirm that the part has made its flight to Calgary.”

The lift originally was shutdown on Jan. 2 due to a failed bearing in its gearbox.

READ MORE: Kimberley Alpine Resort’s main chairlift down for at least a week

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