All upcoming concerts have been cancelled and Centre 64 is closed until further notice. Bulletin file

All upcoming concerts have been cancelled and Centre 64 is closed until further notice. Bulletin file

Kimberley Arts Council requests considering a donation rather than a refund for cancelled concerts

The Kimberley Arts Council/Centre 64 announced last week that Centre 64 is closed for now.

The Kimberley Arts Council/Centre 64 announced last week that Centre 64 is closed for now.

“As of March 17, 2020, the City of Kimberley prohibits the gathering of over 50 people in and municipally-owned building as per section 42 of the Public Health Act,” said a press release from the Arts Council.

“We are not to host any events at Centre 64 that expect over 50 people in attendance. This Order is in place until May 30, 2020.

“If you have a ticket for an event which has been cancelled, please consider donating your ticket to Kimberley Arts at Centre 64 during this difficult time. We are also happy to offer a refund on request. Due to staffing limits during Centre 64’s closure, we will be unable to check voicemails regularly. Please contact us via email at with any questions, concerns, or requests.

“We are monitoring the evolving situation closely and will announce any further program or operational changes through our regular channels, including our website and social media.

“Thank you for your understanding and support as we work together to help our community stay safe and healthy.”

Due to staffing limits during Centre 64’s closure, there will be no one available to check voicemails regularly. Please contact the Arts Centre via email at with any questions, concerns, or requests.

Kimberley Bulletin