Kimberley Arts Council seeks City's support for replacement of leaky roof

Kimberley Arts Council seeks City’s support for replacement of leaky roof

The KAC is hoping to apply for the Arts and Culture Venue Grant through Columbia Basin Trust.

  • Jul. 11, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Kimberley Arts Council (KAC) is asking for the City’s support with renovations to Centre 64’s leaky roof, in the form of $70,000.

President of KAC and Centre 64 Lennon Delaney explained to Kimberley City Council on Monday that the KAC is applying for funding through the Columbia Basin Trust’s (CBT) Arts and Culture Venue Grant for the purpose of “funding the essential replacement of the leaking, aged roof on Centre 64, repairing some of the damage caused by past leaking, and the replacement of the old, uncomfortable and end-of-lifespan seats in the theatre”.

“The roof of the Centre 64 Arts Centre has leaked during snow melt and after heavy rains for many years,” he said. “Water leaking from the roof has run down the walls of the gallery at Centre 64, damaging the floor. Displayed art work has had to be removed to avoid damage. Water has dripped through the ceiling of the meeting room, the theatre, and one of the offices. Part of the rotting gallery floor needs to be replaced, which will also necessitate replacing some or all of the gallery carpet. Ceilings, walls, and flooring where leaks have occurred may need to be tested for mould.”

He adds that overhanging ice build up on the north-facing slope of the gallery roof poses a danger to anyone passing below, and the emergency exit from the gallery through the courtyard has to be closed in the winter due to the danger, which limits occupancy.

Delaney says that after discussions with a representative from CBT, it is clear that this is an eligible project, and the addition of the seat replacements is also appropriate, considering they have already raised funds for the project.

Read More: KAC launches Take a Seat Campaign

One of the key parts of applying for the Arts and Culture Venue Grant is the contributions of other funding partners and of fund-raising efforts to defray a portion of the overall costs of the project.

CBT expects that the City of Kimberley, as the owner of the Centre 64 Arts Centre, would become a substantial funding partner. The current budget estimates indicate that the total for all repairs and seat replacement could come in at $300,000. $10,000 has already been raised through the Take a Seat Campaign. Delaney explained that if successful, CBT could provide approximately $200,000 of that funding, leaving 30 per cent to the KAC and the City.

“CBT has indicated that there are three times more applications than they originally anticipated. This means we may get some of what we are asking for but not necessarily what’s hoped for,” said Delaney.

The deadline for the grant is quickly approaching on September 12, 2018.

“This is the last offering of this grant opportunity for the foreseeable future,” explained Delaney. “Time is of the essence in determining wether or not the KAC, with the support of the City, can take advantage of this rare and timely opportunity to access funding for much needed repairs and significant improvements to the Centre 64 Arts Centre.”

Delaney also pointed to Cranbrook’s Key City Theatre, which is a recent recipient of the same grant. Key City’s repairs are estimated at just under $800,000, $150,000 of which is committed by the Southeast Kootenay School District, and another $115,000 from the City of Cranbrook.

Read More: Key City Theatre gets funding for roof upgrades

Councillor Bev Middlebrook asked Delaney how long the roof has been leaking, to which he replied at least ten years.

“If you’ve ever sat in the board room, you know that pots are required,” said Councillor Sandra Roberts. “It’s a big deal.”

Councillor Albert Hoglund asked if KAC has explored any other funding sources, such as the Federal Government. Delaney explained that the CBT grant is attractive and attainable. If they are not successful in receiving the funding from CBT, they will explore other options at that time.

Councillor Kent Goodwin brought a motion to the table for Council to direct staff to look into repairs and funding. Council voted unanimously to approve the motion.

Kimberley Bulletin