Purcell Collegiate hosted an open house in July. Paul Rodgers file

Kimberley City Council approves Purcell Collegiate rezoning

Kimberley City Council held two zoning hearings at their regular meeting on Monday, August 16, 2021. The first zoning change was the Fernie Street development, which passed.

Kimberley City Council held two zoning hearings at their regular meeting on Monday, August 16, 2021. The first zoning change was the Fernie Street development, which passed.

Next up was a zoning change for the Purcell Collegiate project.

The zoning change requested was for a 9.7 hectare portion of the 96 hectare golf course property to allow for the construction of an academic building, student housing and playing field.

Duncan Macleod from Purcell Collegiate spoke at the hearing saying the school would compliment, not compete, with local public schools. He said new golf holes were being created to replace the ones which would be taken out for construction of the school.

A lot of feedback was received on the zoning, a good portion of it in support.

There were however some concerns around traffic, both from Highway 95A onto St. Mary Lake Road, and from St. Mary lake Road to the school.

Manager of Planning Services, Troy Pollock, said that there was going to be some discussion with the Ministry of Transportation regarding potential for a turning lane off the highway.

Council voted to support the zoning change.

READ: Purcell Collegiate Incorporated hosts open house

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