Numbers by local health area for the week of August 24 to 28 2021 from the BCCDC.

Kimberley COVID-19 numbers creeping up

There are four more cases this week than last

The latest COVID-19 numbers for the week of August 24 to 28, 2021 from the BCCDC have Kimberley with 18 current cases. Last week the number was 14. The previous week there were 10 cases.

The City of Kimberley is urging residents to continue to follow all precautions including, wearing a mask in all indoor public spaces, washing your hands often, staying at home when sick and getting a test, and most importantly, getting vaccinated.

The latest vaccination numbers have risen slightly from a week ago. Kimberley has the eighth highest rate in the region, with 74 per cent of the population having had both doses of the vaccine, and 82 per cent with one dose. Revelstoke has the highest rate with 77 per cent of the population having two doses. Creston vaccination numbers remain lower at 59 per cent. Creston currently has 53 cases of COVID-19.

There are 69 cases in Cranbrook, 10 in Windermere and 42 in Fernie.

Kimberley Bulletin