BCCDC numbers for the week of September 12 to 18, 2021. BCCDC file

Kimberley COVID numbers at 8 according to latest data

Provincial numbers rise to 759 new cases

Kimberley’s COVID numbers crept up to 8 in the latest data released by the Britiish Columbia Centre for Disease Control. The data is for the week of September 12 to 18 and was released on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.

And while the numbers for the Kimberley Local Health Area remain relatively low, that is not the case for the surrounding areas. Cranbrook reports 47 cases; and Fernie, 34.

Numbers have dropped in Nelson, 11, and Creston, 19.

Vaccination rates are moving up slowly. Currently, Kimberley has 85% of the population with one dose of the vaccine and 76% with two doses. Two weeks ago those numbers were 83 and 75 respectively.

That leaves Kimberley slightly below the provincial average. As of Wednesday, 87.1% (4,038,966) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 79.7% (3,692,922) received their second dose.

Some areas of the province, the Central Coast for example, have achieved 91% with one dose and 91 with both. Revelstoke has the highest rates in our area, with 92% having one and 81% having two. Preston continues to lag behind with 68% having one dose and 61% two.

READ: B.C. COVID-19 infections keep rising, 759 for Wednesday

carolyn.grant@kimberleybulletin.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Kimberley Bulletin