Last year, Kimberley Dynamiter members and Mayor Don McCormick helped with hampers. Kimberley Bulletin file

Kimberley Food Bank cancels traditional hamper program

No angel trees either; cash donations needed

In a tradition going back many years, the Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank has always run a Christmas Hamper Program, along with an Angel Tree program for gifts for kids.

It’s a real community project every year, as all kinds of people donate, turn out to help unload supply trucks and pack hampers in the true spirit of Christmas.

However, due to COVID-19, the Food Bank has been forced to make major changes to the program this year.

“First, the Angel Trees will not be put up this year,” said Food Bank President Donna Purvis. “Sadly, we will be not be giving out any gifts. Please do not drop gifts off at the Food Bank.

“Second, there will be no regular Christmas hampers. We are working with our local suppliers to come up with Gift Certificates for our clients to purchase their own Christmas hampers.

“In the past, clients have come into the Food Bank to apply for a hamper. This year, applications for assistance will be done by phone starting on November 16th. Deadline will be December 14th.

“We are not happy with this situation but we are doing our best to help those who need assistance at Christmas.”

With this unprecedented situation, what the Food Bank is going to need this year is cash donations to help with the gift certificates.

Purvis says they would prefer no food donations because everything has to be sterilized. So if your were planning to donate this year, a cash donation would be most appreciated.

Kimberley Bulletin