Healthy Kimberley runs the Food Recovery Depot.

Healthy Kimberley runs the Food Recovery Depot.

Kimberley Food Recovery Depot continues to operate

The Kimberley Food Recovery Depot continues to do its good work despite the COVID-19 crisis.

The Kimberley Food Recovery Depot continues to do its good work despite the COVID-19 crisis.

The Food Recovery Depot, in existence since November 2018, diverts food destined for the landfill from grocers and retailers, sorting and getting it to those who benefit (community groups, vulnerable individuals, farmers).

READ: Healthy Kimberley to launch Food Waste Recovery Depot this fall

READ: New Coordinator for Healthy Kimberley’s Food Recovery Project

The Depot serves as a vital link in our community’s food chain, says Flo Brokop.

“Currently, we continue to receive regular donations of food from Save-On Foods and can arrange pick up from other local businesses. Local restaurant closures have resulted in donations of fresh ingredients from some of these restaurants as well as a donation from Sysco.

“We have a changing volunteer force, since many of our regulars are over the age of 60 and considered vulnerable. Thank you to those who have stepped up thus far to fill these gaps. Going forward we will be needing regular volunteers to maintain operations. There is strict protocol in place at the Depot regarding sanitation, appropriate number of people and a commitment to maintain social distancing outside of our space.

“We channel recovered food through various agencies in town, including the Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank. As organizations change their scope of service in these unique times, we want to connect with those now helping vulnerable community members with food security issues.

For more information regarding volunteering or partnerships, email

We also continue to need community support through on-line donations to

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Kimberley Bulletin