In addition to parades, soccer, high school reunions, JulyFest features the Canadian Bocce Championships. Bulletin file

In addition to parades, soccer, high school reunions, JulyFest features the Canadian Bocce Championships. Bulletin file

Kimberley JulyFest cancelled

Chamber considering holding a scaled down event this fall if possible

There has been plenty of speculation among Kimberley residents as to whether JulyFest would be cancelled this summer of 2020, and it is now official.

The Kimberley Chamber waited as long as they could to make the decision, but announced on Monday that the flagship summer event for the Chamber will not be taking place this July.

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to unprecedented closures and restrictions around the country and world. When those factors were coupled with the foremost concern for the health, safety and wellbeing of Julyfest attendees, the Chamber Board made the important decision to cancel the event.

Brian Sondergaard, Chamber President, said, “It was not an easy decision to make, but under these circumstances, i t became clear that the responsible decision was to cancel Julyfest 2020. Julyfest draws thousands of attendees who come to Kimberley to participate in the weekends sporting events and festivities.”

Daniel Holden, General Manager for the chamber added “Julyfest is financially an incredibly important event for our business community. We are disappointed but while we cannot go through as planned we are not ruling out a scaled down event in the fall.”

Kimberley Bulletin