The 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony at Veteran Memorial Park in Kimberley. Paul Rodgers photos.

Kimberley’s 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony in photos and video

The 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony was held in Kimberley at the Veteran Memorial Park on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

  • Nov. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The 2020 Remembrance Day ceremony was held in Kimberley at the Veteran Memorial Park on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Due to the current conditions imposed by the COVID-19, the ceremony was smaller than it has been in years past, as Military Ames was only permitted to have 50 people present. They asked that people stay home so that the space could be reserved for Veterans and their spouses.


“I think the service was beautiful,” Cindy Postnikoff of Military Ames said. “It’s a very special day for the veterans and for all of us to remember and to take the time to honour and respect our fallen and those who are still serving.”

People who weren’t able to attend the ceremony in person were able to tune in live via the Kimberley Bulletin’s Facebook, and an edited video will be aired on Shaw Cable and Shaw Online at 8 p.m. that same evening.

“It’s nice that a few people came out and I think it’s great that things are going to be on air tonight so that people can tune into that,” Postnikoff said

READ MORE: Kimberley residents asked to stay away from Remembrance Day ceremony this year

The service featured the Canadian and Royal anthems sung by Selkirk Student Allie Waite, WWII Veterans Ret’d. Lt. Joan Gilling and Ret’d. Lt. Malcolm Fruin sharing a poem, a three gun salute following the two minutes of silence, and a blessing from Father Jim.

Following the ceremony, the people of Kimberley were invited to wander through the Memorial Park, to observe the wreaths and flags and have a moment to remember and pay their respects.

“It’s very important to us that we honour our veterans and our fallen and the Kimberley Veteran Memorial Park is all about that,” Postnikoff said. “It’s so important, especially for the fallen, that we say their names, that we speak of them aloud. That we should never forget the sacrifices.”

paul.rodgers@kimberleybulletinLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Kimberley Bulletin