Chilliwack residents and regular Kindness Chain Chilliwack Association volunteers James and Hazel bag up trash during a previous downtown cleanup event. (Facebook photo)

Kindness Chain Chilliwack Association holding downtown cleanup event

Volunteers will gather Sept. 12 and fan out to clean up the downtown core

Kindness Chain Chilliwack Association (KCCA) is holding another downtown cleanup event Sunday, Sept. 12.

Volunteers are asked to gather at the Southgate Shopping Centre (45905 Yale Road) at 12:15 p.m.

From there, crews will be dispatched to four zones to pick up trash until 1:30 p.m.

Groups can work at their own pace, with safety vests, garbage bags and handheld garbage pickers provided to all volunteers. Because of COVID, contact will be limited. Full trash bags returned to Southgate Shopping Centre will be taken to the Bailey landfill at the end of the event.

The Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association (BIA) is providing Tim Hortons gift cards for volunteers, who will also be given refreshments including juice and cookies.

This is a twice-a-month event.

For more info, visit the KCCA Facebook event page or email

RELATED: Kindness Chain Chilliwack Association organizes Fathers Day cleanup

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