Local residents at a No More Pipelines “open-air house” in Hazelton, June 18.

Local residents at a No More Pipelines “open-air house” in Hazelton, June 18.

Kispiox Valley residents say no to LNG

More than 150 Kispiox Valley residents have signed a petition and made a declaration to stand against any LNG projects.

More than 150 Kispiox Valley residents have signed a petition and made a declaration to stand against any LNG projects.

The declaration starts off by saying: “Be it known that we, the undersigned community of the Kispiox Valley, British Columbia, believe that the well-being of ourselves and our neighbours, our livelihoods and economy, and our lands and waters are paramount. We highly value intact ecosystems that sustain and support a vibrant and diverse watershed.”

One of the signers, Todd Stockner, said that he feels he can’t stand by and allow any industrial presence that would threaten his values and responsibilities to the environment. He said the people who have signed the petition want to protect the salmon, the forests and the clean air. The declaration also states the community recognizes and honours the Gitxsan, and hold in high regard their culture and traditional methods of responsible stewardship.

“It is a community, this is democracy in action. Seventy per cent of the community and growing that have signed this document,” Stockner said.

Stocker said it was hard to say whether this document will hold any weight with the LNG companies or government.

“It is our hope that other communities will read it and feel inspired by it,” he said.


Smithers Interior News