Kits available at village office will help residents conserve water

Conserving water in your home can be financially beneficial to you, in addition to reducing your environmental footprint



Water conservation is not solely limited to changing our outdoor watering habits; what we do inside our homes has a significant impact on our water resource.

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) estimates that 61.8 per cent of the water used in Canada, is used by residences. 45 per cent of that residential use is the water used in the bathroom, which is 27.8 per cent of the total water used in Canada.

Conserving water in your home can be financially beneficial to you, in addition to reducing your environmental footprint. For the past two years, the Keremeos Irrigation District, in partnership with the village of  Keremeos, has been offering rebates for replacing your older toilets with new low flow models. Replacing your current toilet with a low-flow model allows you to be eligible for a $50 rebate, while converting your current toilet to a dual flush makes you eligible for a $25 rebate.

This year, however; Fortis BC has become involved in the effort to conserve water with its “Tap to Tap” program. At the village office, the Tap to Tap water saving kits are available free of charge, all you need is your Fortis BC account number.


These kits contain new low flow shower heads and aerators for your faucets. These water saving fixtures not only save water, but they can save you up to a $100 per year off your power bills solely by reducing the amount of water that you are required to heat. With these programs in place, it is simple to conserve water year round and take a step forward for sustainability in the Lower Similkameen.



Keremeos Review